QOSIM : Journal of Education, Social & Humanities with e-ISSN 2987-713X (online) p-ISSN 3025-5163 (print) and Prefix DOI 10.61104. is a peer-reviewed open access journal following a single-blind review policy. Scientific articles in QOSIM: Journal of Education, Social & Humanities are the results of original research, conceptual ideas, and current studies within the scope of Education Science, Islamic Economics, Management, Religious Studies, and relevant research. Scientific articles in QOSIM: Journal of Education, Social & Humanities can be written individually or written in teams, either affiliated with institutions in the same environment, or collaborations from several institutions. QOSIM : Journal of Education, Social & Humanities is an open access and free access journal (and registration is free). Authors can register online on the website and are free of charge from the registration process. Authors from universities or researches can cite references from this journal and provide benefits to related organizations. This journal provides an opportunity to share detailed insights from academics and practitioners. Each article received will be reviewed by journal editors and reviewers who are competent in their respective fields. QOSIM: Journal of Education, Social & Humanities will publish selected articles under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Journal title | QOSIM : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial & Humaniora |
Subject | Multi-disciplinary |
Language | Inggris (preferred), Indonesia |
ISSN | e-ISSN 2987-713X | p-ISSN 3025-5163 |
Frekuensi | Four times a year in February, May, August, November |
DOI | 10.61104 |
OAI | https://ejournal.yayasanpendidikandzurriyatulquran.id/index.php/qosim/oai |
Chief Editor | Dr. (c) Hasan Syahrizal, M.Pd. |
Publisher | Yayasan Pendidikan Dzurriyatul Quran |
Citation Analysis | beasiswa Google |
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