IHSAN: Journal of Islamic Education with e-ISSN 2987-1298 p-ISSN 3025-9150 Prefix DOI 10.61104. is a peer-reviewed open access journal and follows a single-blind review policy. Scientific articles in IHSAN: Journal of Islamic Education are the results of original research, conceptual ideas, and current studies within the scope of Islamic Education Management (MPI), Islamic Religious Education (PAI), Islamic Education Technology (TPI), Early Childhood Islamic Education (PIAUD), Islamic Education (KPI), Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education (PGMI), and Islamic Sciences. Scientific articles in the IHSAN Journal: Journal of Islamic Education can be written individually or written in teams, either affiliated with institutions in the same environment, or collaborations from several institutions. IHSAN: Journal of Islamic Education is an open access and free access journal, authors can register on the website and are free of charge from the registration process. The authors from universities or researched can quote references from this journal and provide benefits to related organizations. This journal provides an opportunity to share detailed insights from academics and practitioners related to Islamic education issues. each article received will be reviewed by journal editors and reviewers who are competent in their fields. Selected articles are published under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Journal Title | IHSAN : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam |
Subjek | Islamic Education and Islamic Sciences |
Bahasa | English (preferred), Indonesia |
ISSN | e-ISSN : 2987-1298 | p-ISSN : 3025-9150 |
Frekuensi | Four times a year, namely in January, April, July, October |
DOI | 10.61104 |
OAI | https://ejournal.yayasanpendidikandzurriyatulquran.id/index.php/ihsan/oai |
Pemimpin Redaksi | Dr.(c) Hasan Syahrizal,M.Pd. |
Penerbit | Yayasan Pendidikan Dzurriyatul Quran |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar |
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